(Written b4 the 2007 general elections)
It is very obvious that Raila and ODM can not be ignored anymore as just some other participants in the general election and a win to them can be imminent. Euphoria and polls clearly show that Raila can be the next Kenyan president especially if elections were to be held today.
Again those supposed to be working on president Kibaki’s re-elections are late and what happened in the constitution referendum could happen for a second time. This time it could cost Kibaki the office and what he has been working for could all go to waste.
A certain author in a Kenyan local daily, like me, observes and points out the crucial fact that its at least a month before the elections showdown. Within this time a lot is bound to happen and this could determine who occupies statehouse next year.
The writer also details some of the factors that could (most probably will) fell Raila and ODM short of winning.
It is rather interesting that ODM politicians would rather chance on shouting tribalism than inform Kenyans what different ideas they have that will make Kenya better. Kibaki on the other hand and his supporters are telling Kenyans of what he has done and what he intends to continue doing.
Some ODM diehards are bold enough to advice Kenyans even in Sweden to forget everything else and start planning for Raila’s leadership. To them Raila is already the president of Kenya . Not wrong for them to fantasize but Kenyans are still going to decide for themselves what they will, and want to, do.
The writer singles out overconfidence as part of what is to be expected from Raila supporters along which a lot of blunders will be made exposing the reality of ODM.
Many will say that all those supporting Kibaki are tribalists, assuming we can’t think beyond tribe and can not make good judgement by ourselves but only they can support someone without tribalism being feature. These kinds of utterances will be echoed everywhere and anywhere where there is an ODM supporter, up and until elections are over. Hopefully they won’t go beyond that time.
They talk about change while their only agenda is to remove Kibaki from power as if that in itself is an ideology profitable for Kenya .
Does it mean that Kibaki by being a Kikuyu does not have a right to be president for a second term though he has done enough to qualify?
That we don’t have a right to support, leave alone vote for Kibaki as long as we are Kikuyus coz otherwise that make us tribalists?
ODM has promised that it will introduce a Majimbo system of government in Kenya , an issue that should be voted in a referendum to make sure that Kenyans agree and accept it. But this ODM will put in place regardless. A system which is very much like the “divide and rule system” that was used by the colonial masters and very much aimed at fuelling ethnicity and tribalism.
This thorny issue (tribalism) will feature prominently in this year’s elections. But though most of us really want to do away with it, we find ourselves pulled back into it by the fact that most ODM supporters close their eyes to everything else and only see tribalism.
What does that make them?
Every time they make this kind of statements gives us, who are opposed to tribalism but support Kibaki’s leadership, more reasons why ODM should not be allowed to move into statehouse. No matter how much they are warned about the consequences of these kinds of utterances they never heed the warnings.
But what do they say of the massive Kikuyu support that Raila and ODM enjoys?
What do they say of the Luo, Luhya, Kamba, and all other tribes that support Kibaki and PNU?
Or is all this, to them, a different kind of tribalism?
If we were to spend time looking for reasons why some certain figures were supporting Raila, we would be surprised by how much tribalism we would find. Deals made in exchange for support are amazingly tribalistic.
But why dwell on that while we have many formidable reasons for supporting Kibaki’s second term?
Interestingly articles like one published on a blog (Jamii: Ready or not!) sometime back which was written in pre-independent Kenya by an obvious white Kikuyu hater will appear. The article praises Tom Mboya with due respect but describes the kikuyu community and Kenyatta (our first president and a hero freedom fighter), bloody eyed, blood thirsty terrorists whose only joy was to kill. As if the kikuyu did not have a right to fight for our independence and what is ours by any means necessary!
I remember I went to bed trouble, thinking about the article and what statement the person who posted it was making by publishing it. I let it pass just like everybody else did, but now am starting to understand.
They are telling us to prepare for an ODM government, they also are telling us what to expect. To us who support Kibaki its not much about Raila the Luo, but its all about Raila the person and the character he has created in Kenyas political scene, his record.
Kenyans have been informed and advised to vote wisely coz this is the most significant election in Kenya ’s history. This one; should be dubbed “the mother of all elections”, will determine what will become of our country, our nation. We will all be accountable for the fate of our land and history will judge us. I hope that everyone who has the opportunity will give it a serious thought before casting the vote.
One love, one Kenya, no to tribalism, kazi inaendelea!
P Bryan Njoroge.
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