Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Does Raila Have A Problem Becoming Kenya’s Next President? Your President 2013.

To those who know Raila, the frogs jumping from his mouth at public functions of late is not a surprise. It was just a matter of when. But why would he drop his guard in such a way unless he has a problem becoming Kenya’s fourth president?

”Kuchaguana tutachaguanaa..baa...mwisho wa mwaka huu, new year” did not make much sense about when the next general elections will be held in Kenya, but it seems to have ignited RAO from a slumber; the cool mature mood that Kenyans were getting used to, and spouted him back to the street politician we have always known.

It’s a pity, really, because if Raila had a smoother and straighter path to the white premises where the winner takes it all, it was now.

It was not so long ago, actually he didn’t even let us forget the last bitter political street fight he had with the G7 gang that eventually forced him to a whimpering retreat.

From that particular engagement the utterance unbecoming of a Prime Minister was, ”wengine wanaamuka sibuhi, na kunywa pombe, wengine kiamuka sibuhi na vuta..bangi, wengine naiba, kuku, vingine.” This in reference to politicians junior to him was a boomerang his seniority should have predicted.

Uhuru and Ruto are gaining more popularity out of such altercations, as Raila calls them, than he keeps ground.

He should be advised, if he can’t see it yet that he has more to loose than the hot bloods. Is there no one near him who can pinch him when he is about to make a political mistake?

Doesn’t he realise that being Raila the Prime Minister everything he utters has to absolutely be in line with his office? Does he have to embarrass his party to the extent that his deputy who is also challenging him as the party’s flag bearer has to call for maturity in statements?

Stolen Presidency.

I have this far believed in a clean win for Raila come next elections but just as usual I had my reservations.

He still has enough time to clean his mess but only if he works overtime to restrain himself from careless talk does he have a chance. He probably believes that by screaming mwizi, he will remind Kenyans that Uhuru and Ruto have pending cases at The Hague.

Kenyans don’t need to be reminded that and they are still waiting for justice to carry the day. But he goes a head and sentences them to prison.

As a man ’known to have fought for justice’ he’s in a hurry to condemn here. He does not believe that the two tribal princes deserve a fair trial and are innocent till Hague says otherwise.

It is true that he escaped The Hague by the whiskers and had there been a better investigator than Ocampo the clown he might have been the one asking for prayers by the roadsides. But he believes that thorough investigations were carried out after which only the ICC four should be punished.

Nobody will ever force anyone to belong to some religion in Kenya. Be a nonbeliever and no one will bother you either. But never forget that the majority of Kenyans are religious. If calling to a stop to prayer meetings is not shooting oneself in the foot, what is?

If I was one of his advisers, not that am applying for the post anytime soon, now that Miguna#2 has skipped boat, I would kindly request the Right Honourable PM to mind his tongue and act the nation’s father.

He has statehouse in sight and should let own foot be, after all I don’t think anyone will be interested in writing a sequel about his stolen presidency.

Mavi Ya Kuku.

I do pity him though; I mean this being his last ever chance to stand as a candidate to the country’s highest seat and all. His closest challengers have time on their side and should they loose in the next election and Hague by justice find them innocent, they still have a chance to give the next one a shot.

By the way am worried about RAO’s health; I have seen the way he walks these days and keep wondering if he is trying to mock Kibaki in his walking style. I don’t mean to hit him below the belt since he has said”I have no business there”(the shop is closed(?))

But for him This Is It! Even his health matters.

His talk about beating people hands down is starting to tire. He has to stop with the kamikaze politics!

Compare this now, ”..huyu ni bure kabisa, kubafuu, mavi ya kuku..” and this ”..wengine naamka nakunyua pombe, navuta bangi, ni mwizi..” now this, ”tutachaguana baa..mwisho wa mwaka huu, new year” with this ”crimes against humanity are worse than murder, they should not be allowed to hold prayer meetings, they should be (even though they are yet to be found guilty) jailed behind bars” Seriously, do we need another Kibaki in State House?

I do sincerely hope that the Right Honourable, white as cotton, will shape up in good time, even after Mudavadi leaves him to the wolves, because I was expectantly looking forward to a recovery of his presidency!

To Be Continued.

P Bryan Njoroge.

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