Your President 2013; TNA What A Birth!
Now, yeah I know that TNA has been there for some months but that period compared to the huge win yesterday is greater than the normal nine months of pregnancy. As I said last time the party that gets Kangema will be the ruling party come 2013.
Still in doubts?
Not only did TNA bag the Kangema parliamentary sit, it swept Kajiado off ODM’s feet. Off ODM’s feet because when the counting started ODM was seen in the lead before the world turned upside down and TNA’s Moses ole Sekuda made a come back and thrashed ODM’s Peter ole Mositet hands down!
The fate of ODM is in the hands of Kenyans. The political future of Kenya’s enigma in politics, the incumbent and the last PM ever in Kenya Right Hon Raila Amollo Odinga has been called. For his involvement in Kenya’s political path has been found wanting. The onslaught has began!
Time To Pay For The Unmasked Sins.
Uhuru Kenyatta will take an extra drink today besides his maximum to not only celebrate but also sit nice knowing that he has just made another part of Kenya ’s history. As he said in Kangema, the electing of the TNA’s, candidate, Tirus Ngahu, will be the birth of baby TNA in parliament. Now, top that with the twin Kajiado and there! The big boost to his path towards the white premises called State House comes to sight!
His journey though, does not start today, nor has it been easy. After ditching the independence and his late father’s party KANU, Uhuru has worked hard to build a formidable united force with what he refers to as “like minded individuals or/and parties” most of whom have been impressively young.
Mr Kenyatta, to jog the memory, is one of the four ICC suspects and it has not been an easy task to endear himself to Kenyans country wide. But his humble and dedicated self has eventually been witnessed by the nation and needless to point out has won. On the contrary for PM Raila, its time to pay for the unmasked sins.
Raila who actually is senior by age, politics and post to Uhuru Kenyatta has left his house defencelessly falling apart. He unfathomably and lord likely has parted ways with those who actually constituted the real Raila. His loyal partners in the former biggest democratic political movement ever in Kenya , ODM. Leaving what we see today, a shadow of former self (party and man).
The show in both Kangema and Kajiado was the biggest test yet. The PM has witnessed and if he doubted about his exit in Kenya ’s politics, he just got his wake up call!
But it ain’t about waking up and shaping up anymore. As I have complained before (DoesRaila Have A Problem Becoming Kenya’sNext President), and to which Miguna, his former aide confirmed later on in his book Pulling Back The Mask, Raila does not have competent advisers capable of propelling him towards his intended destination.
That, or he does not listen to his political advisers, which is one and the same mistake. His solidarity with Maina Njenga and Mkenya is grievously wrong!
Kangema. Worth noting is the absence of parties like aspirants Martha Karua’s Narc Kenya, Peter Kenneth’s Kenya National Congress (KNC), Ngilu’s Narc, Kalonzo’s Wiper democratic, Kiraitu's Mbus and several other “established” political parties, at the finish line.
The UDF led by “president” Musalia Mudavadi has made its impression on Kenyans though. It has some numbers compared to the former mentioned parties and this could be because Musalia as rumoured is actually a Kibaki (state house) project and thus some Kenyans feel they have to honour the out going president, a common gesture by the nation.
That TNA, a new party, is now in parliament is the big news!
Before the former Kangema member of parliament, the hard working sir Njoroge Michuki left for the heavens, he anointed the young Kenyatta as the Central region's de facto leader. As he put it, the buck stops with him and who shall ever wish to subdue Central and MtKenya region will have to pass by and/or through Uhuru Kenyatta.
Before the former Kangema member of parliament, the hard working sir Njoroge Michuki left for the heavens, he anointed the young Kenyatta as the Central region's de facto leader. As he put it, the buck stops with him and who shall ever wish to subdue Central and Mt
Well, though the biased Kenya media wont say it like it is. The thrashing has happened! And Raila is beaten. And that by his DPM. The praise for the son of Jomo is yet, it will come in due time.
The Ndhiwa by-election too is a loss because it does not proclaim democracy. It was a bad example of majority rules. It’s outcome was foreseen and expected in a region where you are a stranger if you are not an ODM.
Raila’s dominancy in the region was the factor and Augustine Neto was just a pawn. And Ndhiwa shall thus remain irrelevant.
Raila’s dominancy in the region was the factor and Augustine Neto was just a pawn. And Ndhiwa shall thus remain irrelevant.
The bell has rang, its time to wake up people. You who live in slumber land its time to change the poker face and face reality. Especially for ODM and Raila’s supporters, pay attention the rest of Kenya is saying no! Prepare, for you might loose out with your adored demigod.
Kenyans Said No!
No to the likes of Maina Njenga! No to undemocratic coup de tats! No bloody mass actions! No to power hungry merchants! No to supporting terrorism and terror groups! No, no to Mungiki, MRC and the likes! And NO to western imperialism! Kenyans said no.
Never again 41 to 1, we are 42!
We want a free, just and democratic Kenya where all are equal regardless of tribe or colour. We want a Kenya that puts the values of Kenyans first! One that will cater for the needs of Kenyans and respect the neighbours and friends of Kenya !
We want a Kenya where leaders will answer when and where they have been found wanting. Leaders who will not encourage corruption and impunity, not even in the name, it’s our time! We want a Kenya that stands straight and powerfully withholding the constitution for the sake of the rights of all Kenyans!
We want a leader who can make this Kenya , a reality. We believe!
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