Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Intriguing Rock That Is Kenyan Politics.

I have come to realise that I am on the verge of becoming (if not yet) addicted to Kenya’s political news. Not that I mind that, no. I salivate at the mention of this and everything about Kenya and I not only dream it but also live it! Sick, you may think but somebody (some people) need to be and do that in order for the rest of Kenya to be what it should be.

I might not be much of a somebody, but I will do my bit.

Kenyan politics should be given a name for itself. I mean, why by the heavens do you get to have leaders without ideology as your party, parliament and government leaders?

Kenyan politics, and no one should lie to you otherwise holds no political ideologies. Yeah, they say so when they want your vote. We are the only ones who will bring peace in this nation, reforms, better health care, we can in fact uproot poverty, improve education, build the infrastructure, promote and encourage profit in small scale farming and irrigation while maintaining international standards of ecology.

But really? I have come to a point where I see Kenya as the world’s biggest dump for political waste and leftovers (opportunist). No wonder Koffi Annan, an international failure, is still hang up on Kenya. No wonder the former ICC prosecutor, the famed clown, Louis Moreno Ocampo gave Kenya as the country he would set an example of, to others states (read African) that fail the test set by the former colonial masters, of which Spain, Moreno’s homeland falls in as one of former Africa grabbers.

Well, what is, in deed is. But if we in did search straight, deep and truthfully in our hearts as Kenyans, the light is forth.

Remember and see things as they were where indeed things fell apart and Kenya burned.

Without prejudice, bias or tribal incarnations we would all agree that only Kenyans feel the injustices, know the pain, remember the blood, the lives, the IDPs and the livelihoods lost at the infamous PEV.

It is our country, our nation, our homeland, our home, our roots and much more. We must all keep it in our hearts for it to not just remain our ancestor’s peaceful resting place, but also our children’s future play ground.

I must mention here that as you would guess, I love President Emilio Mwai Kibaki, and how can you not love the guy? Because, of all his predecessors, he is the one who willing took the role of the nation’s father.

His speech about the immensity of voter registration reveals what Kenya will miss when he retires in about three months. As he said, we shape and build Kenya by voting. If you don’t register to vote, then you are indeed useless to Kenya kabisa! And when your favoured candidate doesn’t win, then you will have to hold your breath coz you did not participate.

By embracing all that welcomed his embrace and opening all the doors that we, as wanainchi did not have keys to, he is our preferred leader, but his time was not forever.

Not to mention the numerous development projects that he has seen through during his tenner.

At this stage fellow Kenyans I do not expect that we all see eye to eye, but I do believe that if we were to open our eyes and emancipate our minds we would see the same signs and read from the same scriptures.

Of course, I do not mean to underestimate the level of brainwashing that has been actualized by the repeated word from our leaders. Remember, I said they have no ideological concern of the people of/and the nation called Kenya. They temporarily, and so I say coz its up to us and the time that we, the nation that has been used and taken for granted, shall say no!

But whom can we turn to when the eleventh hour calls. They do not prepare us with a parachute or umbrella fall like they do for themselves when calling times come. They will never tell us when they fail, whom we should turn to. They presume power and assume the sovereignty.

You thought they have you in mind when they talk about Kenya being a sovereign state. You don’t shock me, but you would if you do not take serious attention, serious thought and serious time to make your decision of what you want your Kenya to be.

Most of our politicians are one leave from the same stem branch and tree. They are not like us and we should not be fooled to believe that they think like us. But there are a few of them. Those who have our concerns at heart. Emilio, the president that I decided to love has proved just that.

The issue of whether Kibaki won the last general election or not is actually not an issue now.

But for the Heroes and Heroines, the souls that were lost. For the Kenyans that lost their beloved ones and the displaced in their own homeland. Accept the reasonable doubt that took shape, understand the unqualified technology, see the cheating that from both sides shone and for the sake of Kenya proclaim that possibility, that the opposition may have lost and we will never know who won. Though we remain, Kenya.

Not for me, not for you, not for them but for the future of Kenya. A future we will answer to. That will not be ours, but for our offsprings. It is the Kenyans that must flavour real independence, the republic and the freedom.

Along the way many members of the freedom fighter movement, the Mau Mau and the real liberation including Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi, Jomo Kenyatta, Oginga Odinga, Thomas Mboya, J M Kariuki, Robert Ouko, Bishop Alexander Muge, John Michuki, George Saitoti, Martin Shikuku,  and many others left for or during the cause.

Daniel Moi and Mwai Kibaki work on hard. Stephen Kalonzo, Charity Ngilu, Martha Karua, Peter Kenneth, Raphael Tuju, Kiraitu Murungi, Raila Odinga, Uhuru Kenyatta ,William Ruto, Musalia Mudavadi the juniour Eugene Wamalwa and many others are set and determined to keep this nation up to self-sufficiency, healthy, educated, void of poverty, up to date, running, powerful, strong, respected, accepted (according to them) and believe it we are just commencing.

At fifty, Kenya is still a young nation and state, come March fourth 2013. But that is where we are supposed to come of age. Where we must thirst for and embrace political maturity. It is what the dream 2030, is all about. The time that Kenya becomes a modern country.

Talking of 2013 is genuinely so the main theme here. It’s all about the coming general election. It’s all about whom and who will be elected to manage Kenya for the next five years. Its all about who feels and is one with Kenya, the state and the people. The tribe should not feature.

As we have seen and we are going to witness in the nearby future, some of our politicians are forever entangled in a stressed, selfish and never ending struggle to see themselves prevail as the rulers of some part or if not  the whole nation and the country that is Kenya.

Some will willingly bend backwards for the imperialists, western masters, the vultures that wait to consume and control Kenya when the killing commence. The neo-colonial masters we have never been able to get rid of.

Where are we my friend, my fellow Kenyan? Will we ever read from the same script? Or are we done by accepting that Kenya is done and gone down the gallows, fallen as other fallen nations have?

My input here is that we all can see better if the tribal ribbons was not so tight across our faces. If our eyes were not interrupted with, albeit willingly so me thinks. We could be in a strategy where we can fight the best for Kenya and Kenyans, and I know you are warriors!

Look at what we are left with, an ICC case and a self proclaimed but unaccredited reformist corner. We know them all and if it came a time for that we would have smoked them out! But it ain’t so easy because we are talking Kenya’s politics of the day.

They won’t even let us vote! And you still wonder? Diaspora is Kenya’s redemption and that time is gaining fast!

I would feel boosted, really I would, if I knew that the two blocks that have represented themselves as the main coalitional blocks would sit and stay, but I don’t believe they will.

Because, they hold no ideological similarities within themselves. They don’t think alike and they don’t breath alike in the same box, leave alone realising what Kenya and Kenyans need.

Unfortunately, it won’t be easy for us as Kenyans to know where there is genuine talk and where vitendawili will be the wind that comes by. The most unfortunate situation is most actual if you do not know which coalition is best for you, Kenya.

Which gives me the space to advice you.

You must not think of your tribe but you may think for yourself and yours. You must se Kenyans as one people and your neighbours as Kenyans, not ‘that tribe’. You must see yourself as your own destiny and your own fate not necessarily so brought about by someone else’s ambitious actions. To the end we thus are one and our destiny is entwined.

When you register to vote, do so because it is your right! Not because a politician told you so, so that you can vote for them. When you vote, remember that voting for someone from your tribe is not a guarantee that your issues will be attended to. So vote for someone you feel understands your situation and is willing to make it better, for you, your nearest and Kenya.

Look and listen carefully and do not let word and deceit convince you against what your heart and mind tells you, is the right choice.

Most importantly, when you vote for the next president for whom Mwai Kibaki has laid foundation for a modern Kenya, the realisation of the 2030 dream and a new constitution, be sure he will be capable, willing and able.

Kenya is for us all, and for Kenya, we must all be!! 


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