Wednesday, January 4, 2012


He had always perceived the presence of someone moving around close by. But he never dared ask coz though the presence felt friendly he could not tell for sure. Somehow, in a way he could not identify, he enjoyed these times and he found himself longing for the moments of the presence.

But today was different. The presence felt nigher, as if needing. He had lived miserably, blind, and for these he feared that a reaction from him would scare away the solacing presence.
“It wouldn’t be worth it”, he had always concluded.
But today was different. The presence was reaching out.
“Who goes there!?”, he asked without thinking.
“It’s me”, came the answer from an angel's voice.
“You who?” ,he had to ask , hopefully, as he realised that presence lingered.
“Am the one you have been waiting for.”
“How would you know that I have been awaiting?”, he asked.
“I can see it in your eyes”, was the reply.
He pondered, trying to make sense of the answer and the whole conversation.
“But my eyes can not see.”
“Even so”, said the presence.
He knew that the presence was right but the answer was not complete. He inferred that he had been waiting for the presence, but how could she know by not knowing?
“Am me”, he introduced.
“I know and I like you”, said the presence.
He felt the presence move nearer and felt the soft touch ; like a mother’s touch, soothingly on his face.
The touch moved, soft and sweet within the confinement of his face.
“I can see!!”, he exclaimed.
In front of him was a beautiful smiling face, the smile covering every dot of the face.
She seemed to spread the smile all around him, making him discover joy! Soft beautiful eyes understanding.
“Hi”, she said.
“Are you an angel?”, he inquired.
The presence that had now taken form, laughed like a love song.
“No am not. But I am of God.”
“I know you”, he proclaimed loudly as comfort colonized him.
“I have longed for you. Been looking everywhere for you and yet you were so present.” He whispered in her ear. An attempted romance.
“I know. I have been yearning for this too. But still I don’t know.”
“I do.” He tried.
“Your presence I could not deny, but I can not tell the unknown.” she admitted.
“Will you stay with me?”, he had to ask, sounding like a little boy.
“I want you to”, he appeared to beg.
“I want to but if only I knew!”, grieved the presence.
“What can I do, for you to stay?”, he prayed.
“Take you out of you and I will know”, she averred.
“But I can not create that!”. He cried!
Suddenly, the presence started to pull away.
As if by some force out of her control.
The hands outstretched, she tried to reach out to him.
“Oh love!!!”, she appeared to say.
“But who are you?”. He inquired in pain as he realised that the presence was pulling out!
“Am your love!”, the face, filled with uncensorable sadness.
“ But it’s you I want……..!”. He jerked into a sitting position and there was darkness!
“I …..”, he tried searchingly.
He fumbled and switched on the bed side lamp for light, still hurting from the dream!
“ BELOVED LOVE!”, he whimpered!
An imagination of P Bryan Njoroge.